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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


1.1 Types of articles published in the Revista Científica Ciencias de la Salud:


Letters to the Editor
Original articles
Case Reports
Review article
Current Affairs/Opinion/Reflection
Short Communications
Research protocol

1.2 Authors are obliged to review and verify that their submission complies with all the guidelines indicated below:

- The paper to be submitted must not be previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal. Letter of originality.

- It must conform to the indicated Presentation Format. Instructions for authors

- The file for review should not contain information about the authors, so that a blind review is required.

- The Scientific Journal of Health Sciences is open access and non-profit, so authors will not receive financial sums for the publication of their articles.

- The Authors' Data must be completed in its entirety, according to the metadata template, including data on affiliation, academic degree and current email address of each one, and indicating the main contact for sending communications

- The list of bibliographic references must be completed in the section indicated for this purpose

Those submissions that do not comply with the required format or structure will be returned to their respective authors.

The editorial coordination and/or the scientific committee reserve the right to make the editorial adjustments they deem appropriate.


2.1 Text:

Interlinear spacing: 1.15
Font size: 10 points
Source: Verdana
Spacing: No space between paragraphs
Aligned: Left
Use of italics instead of underlining

2.2. Margins: 2.54 cm on each side of the sheet

2.3. Sheet Size: A4

2.4. Document Format: Microsoft Word Supported

2.5. Number of pages: maximum 20 pages including illustrations, graphs, figures, tables and tables

2.6. Resolutions of illustrations, graphs, figures and tables: 300 dpi in jpg, gif or tif format

2.7. Illustrations, graphs, figures, tables and tables shall be included in the text in the corresponding place, with their due quotations and legends

2.8. Tables must not have lines separating cells, and must be presented in editable format.

2.9. Citations and bibliographic references will be presented at the end of the text following Vancouver regulations. Vancouver Standards Guidelines



It is the one that is transcribed verbatim. It must be short, less than five lines, inserted within the text in quotation marks, and the corresponding number is placed at the end, after the quotation marks and before the punctuation mark, although this may vary according to the rule established by the institution that receives the research papers. Thus we see that the number corresponding to the cited author can go after the period, in superscript and in parentheses.


Recent studies have stated that "social representations are constructed on the basis of ideas, knowledge, beliefs, values, and ideologies that are widely disseminated or dominant in a society or within a given social group" (1). According to this definition...


If you want to cite more than one source in the same sentence, you need to include a number for each source cited. If consecutive numbers are entered, they must be joined by a hyphen; if they are non-consecutive, the numbers must be separated by commas.


In the following example, sources numbered 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 15 are cited in the same sentence: Several studies (6-9,13,15) have analysed the effect of alcohol on driving.


It is the mention of an author's ideas with the words of the writer. It is included within the text without quotation marks, and the reference number is written at the end of the idea. Examples of wording:

Studies have shown that the gluten-free diet can alter serological and histological outcomes(2)


You can use the author's name in your text, but you must insert the citation number anyway.

According to López(2), the role of the informal caregiver entails a high physical and emotional burden.


If a document has more than one author, you should use 'et al' after the first.

According to García et al(3), depression is common in patients with heart failure.


The reference list is a single list of all the documents cited in the manuscript, regardless of type and provenance. Also, the list should be written in numerical order; Each number must identify and match the document cited in the text.

Periodicals. Magazines

Authors of the article (6 aut. Máximo later et al). Title of the article. Name of the journal. Year; Volume (number): initial-final page.

(1) Vitoria JC, Bilbao JR. Novedades en enfermedad celiac. An Pediatr. 2013; 78(1):1‐5.

Online Article: URL or DOI

Authors of the article (6 authors maximum et al). Title of the article. Name of the Journal. Year of publication; Volume(number): initial-final page. Available at: URL or DOI of the article.


Manavella G, Manavella D, Ruiz O.  Pregnancy and live birth rates in infertile young women with low ovarian reserve. Scientific Journal of Health Sciences, (2021: 3(1), 6-13. Available in:


Author/s. Title. Volume. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; date of publication.
(3) Ross M and Wojciech P. Histology: text and atlas. 7th ed. Philadelpia: Wolter Kluner;2015.

Online Books: URL or DOI

Author/s. Title. Volume. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; date of publication. Available at: URL


Patrias K. Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. 2nd ed. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007. Available in:

Chapter of a book

Author/s. Chapter title. In: Surname initials of the first name(s) of Editor/s, editors. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication. P. Initial-final page.
(5) Sumner P, Mollon JD. Did primeate trihromacy evolve for Frugivory or folivory? In: Mollon JD, Pokorny J, Knoblauch J. Normal and defective colour vision. New York: Oxford University Press; 2003. p. 21-30.

Online: URL or DOI

Author/s. Chapter title. In: Surname initials of the first name(s) of Editor/s, editors.
Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication. P. Initial-final page. Available at: URL.

(6) Sumner P, Mollon JD. Did primeate trihromacy evolve for Frugivory or folivory? In: Mollon JD, Pokorny J, Knoblauch J. Normal and defective colour vision. New York: Oxford University Press; 2003. p. 21-30. Available at: URL

Congresses, Lectures and Symposia

Author AA, Author BB. Title of congress/lecture/symposia. Paper presented at: Title of the event; Date of the event; Event City, Country.
(7) Castillo M, Martínez AM. Reproductive control as an effect of violence against women. Paper presented at: 12th Latin American Congress on Women's Health; 14-15 June 2013; Lima, Peru.


Author AA. Title of the thesis [Master's thesis or Doctoral thesis]. Place: Institution to which the thesis was submitted; year. Number of pages.
(8) Aponte C. Environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of reintroduced condors in Los Nevados National Natural Park and its buffer zone [Master's thesis]. Manizales, Colombia: University of Caldas; 2009. 408 p.


Last name AA. Page title. Place of publication: Publishing house; year of publication. Available at: URL


Argosy Medical Animation. Visible body: Discover human anatomy. New York, USA: Argosy Publishing. Available in:

Material Legal

• Law/Decrees
Country. Law No. number/year of enactment. Title of the document.
(10) Paraguay. Law No. 52821/2014. Free citizen access to public information and government transparency.


Title: clear and concise, without acronyms, with no more than 12 words, accompanied by the English translation. In the case of a research report, the data of the project itself must be mentioned: project number, year and source of funding.

Author(s): the full name and surname of each author, with the highest academic grade(s) and active email. Manuscript authors must add a unique identifier (ORCID). 

Institutional affiliation: full name of the center, department and/or institution to which the authors belong, city and country.
Submission date of the article
Abstract of a maximum of 250 words in two languages: Spanish/English. Keywords (between 3 and 6) in two languages: Spanish/English. For the selection of these keywords, the use of DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences for the selection of descriptors is recommended. Available in

Article development: for original articles, the IMRD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion) will be used.
Clinical Trials Registry: It is a requirement to register clinical trials on the site:  At the end of the abstract of the article, the name of the database, acronym and/or number of the Clinical Trial must be indicated.

Sources of funding.
Declaration of conflict of interest. 
For more information, please visit Instructions for Authors


- The first author to whom he made the most significant contribution to the manuscript is considered.

- The author will be considered to be the one who has actively participated in the research in addition to the writing of the manuscript submitted. 

- Those who have made a relevant contribution to the development of the research such as providing data, correcting the academic style of the article, among others; They can be listed in the acknowledgements of the article.

- Each author must indicate in which of the following points they have participated, indicating their contribution in the manuscript. 


- Conception/design of work. 
- Data/Information Collection. 
- Data analysis/discussion. 
- Bibliographic review. 
- Preparation of the manuscript. 
- Revision of the final version

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that all of the following items are met in their submission. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned or rejected:

1- The manuscript has the corresponding page numbering
2- He has the Degree in Spanish and English
3- It has the name, surname(s), institution and e-mail of each author.
4- A signed document from each author accepting the publication of the manuscript is included. Letter of originality.

5- It is clear who the author is responsible for it, which will be duly indicated in the manuscript and during its submission for evaluation.
6- Holds the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest.
7- Possesses the information regarding the sources of research funding
8- It has the Abstract, both in Spanish and English and does not exceed 250 words.
9- It has between 3 to 5 keywords in both Spanish and English.

10- The Text is written with insertion of references in sequential order of citation as indicated in the instructions for Authors.
11- Tables, graphs, and figures have been inserted into the text in sequential order of appearance as indicated in the instructions for Authors.

12- The bibliographic references of the manuscript are incorporated according to the Index Medicus/MEDLINE conventions, and the DOIs of each reference are included when available.
13- Has the corresponding Letter of Approval from the Ethics Committee to carry out a clinical study.

14- Possesses Patient Consent letter(s) to reproduce photographic material and/or personal clinical information
15- Holds the Letter of Assignment of Intellectual Property of all the contents of the manuscript to be sent to the Publisher
16- All tables, graphs, photographs and figures have their respective legends and have the files in their original format and/or high resolution JPG file.

17- It has the respective written authorizations for the publication of material that is not covered by creative commons licenses previously published, or in case of unpublished information, I have the authorization of the author.


All the articles received will be reviewed in the first instance by the editorial coordination, in order to verify the thematic relevance, their originality and compliance with the already established publication standards. In case of positive qualification, the bibliographic review will be carried out according to the Vancouver Standards and detection of text similarity through Unicheck software before sending them to the reviewers. If a manuscript has more than 20% text similarity based on the result of the verification, it is returned to the author.


Once the formal aspects have been verified, the article that enters the review process will be sent for evaluation by a Scientific Committee, composed of national and international academic peers.

The review is carried out double-blind, safeguarding the authors' data in order to guarantee blind review. The blind peers will issue a report based on the following possible opinions:

Accepted: Article suitable for publication, with no modifications required, or with minimal modifications
Accepted conditional on the suggested modifications: The indicated corrections must be made and the work must be submitted to a new review.

Rejected: The article does not conform to the theme, policy and/or rules of the journal, or substantial adjustments must be made in the writing. The article may not be resubmitted for a period of 6 months.

Works that require modifications must be corrected and returned by the authors within the period indicated by the editorial coordination, indicating the changes incorporated.

In the event of conflicting positions among the reviewers of the article, the opinion of a third arbitrator will be appealed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.