Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases: Review




blood gas analysis, physiology oxygenation, alkalosis, acidosis


Arterial blood gases are fundamental tools to objectively evaluate patients with acute and chronic pathologies. They provide information on rates of oxygenation, ventilation, acid-base balance, and oxygen supply at the cellular level. Interpreting them properly is of great clinical importance for making timely decisions and allows evaluating the response to therapeutic interventions. This article introduces to the reader to the basic concepts of gas exchange physiology, the most common acid-base disorders, and a practical interpretation of arterial blood gases. A combination of graphic illustrations, tables, and algorithms is used to facilitate the understanding and clinical management of patients with respiratory and metabolic disorders.


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How to Cite

Martin Arsanios DA, Serrano J, Tíjaro Merchán VA, Perdomo Rodríguez LS, Delgado Cañaveral MC, Vargas Angel DC, Contreras Villamizar K. Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases: Review. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];6:01-20. Available from: