Effect of monitored and supervised brushing technique workshops with the “see-repeat” technique on oral hygiene in children with hearing disabilities


  • Elisa Noemí Oviedo Ramos Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Odontología. Asunción, Paraguay




dental plaque, dental plaque index, toothbrushing, education of hearing disabled


Introduction. The oral health of vulnerable populations such as the hearing-impaired face barriers due to lack of communication skills resulting in a high prevalence of caries, periodontal disease and tooth loss. Objective. To decrease O'Leary index after monitored and supervised brushing technique workshops with the "see-repeat" technique. Materials and Methods. Intervention study in students of a school for people with hearing disabilities in Asunción-Paraguay, during 2022-2023. The participants received brushing training with the Bass technique on models and mock-ups prior to each brushing session. In each session, each participant was provided with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Parents and teachers were instructed to promote the technique at home and at school. The O'Leary Index was established after applying a substance that reveals bacterial plaque. Results. 46 girls and 25 boys between 4 and 13 years old participated in the study; 12 with temporary teeth, 41 mixed and 18 permanent. 11 sessions were held, with a median participation of 8. The O'leary index was 81.86% ± 26.09% at the beginning, which was significantly reduced to 11.69% ± 3.94%; in 100% it was reduced to less than 25%. The initially decayed first permanent molars were restored and remained recurrence-free until the end. Conclusion. The amount of oral bacterial plaque in hearing impaired children can be kept under control by following hygiene strategies that are supervised and monitored.


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How to Cite

Oviedo Ramos EN. Effect of monitored and supervised brushing technique workshops with the “see-repeat” technique on oral hygiene in children with hearing disabilities. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];6:01-8. Available from: https://revistascientificas.upacifico.edu.py/index.php/PublicacionesUP_Salud/article/view/560