Level of knowledge about the VPH in students at Universidad del Pacífico





human papillomavirus; knowledge, vaccination, transmission, sexually transmitted diseases, uterine cervical neoplasms


Introduction. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract, causes various disorders in both men and women, and it is considered to be the main agent for the development of cervical cancer. Objective. To determine the level of knowledge about HPV among students in the second year of the different careers of the Universidad del Pacífico, Asunción, 2023. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out with 2nd year students of the different careers of the Universidad del Pacifico in 2023, by means of a survey of knowledge about HPV, influence, and methods to prevent infection. Descriptive statistics using EpiDat 4.2 software were applied. Results. Of the 95 female students surveyed, 49.92% knew that HPV was a viral infection, 87.37% knew that the most common symptom was genital warts, 91.58% knew that HPV disease affects both sexes, 90.53% knew that it can be transmitted sexually, 71.58% knew that it could cause cervical cancer, and 86.32% knew that vaccination was the main prevention measure, 48% of the students have a good global knowledge about HPV. Conclusion. The insufficient level of knowledge about HPV reflects the need to strengthen the university educational program and educational campaigns regarding HPV and cervical cancer.


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How to Cite

Benítez González AC, Cañete Cañete NA, Vargas López SP, López Esquivel NY, Romero Gaona NMI, Riveros Adorno MA, Vázquez Arguello JN, Rumichi Ortiz SJ, Espínola Vázquez EJ, Aquino Torales NF, Benítez González DI, Acosta de Hetter ME, Aria Zayas LS. Level of knowledge about the VPH in students at Universidad del Pacífico. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];6:01-6. Available from: https://revistascientificas.upacifico.edu.py/index.php/PublicacionesUP_Salud/article/view/414