Direct costs and quality of life of patients with glaucoma in Paraguay




glaucoma, health care costs, psychological distress, quality of life


Introduction. Glaucoma is still a public health problem due to its high prevalence, the socioeconomic impact it entails for the patient who suffers from it, which decreases the quality of life. Objective: To determine the direct costs and quality of life of adult patients treated WITH glaucoma in the Fundación Visión Central Clinic from November 2022 to February 2023. Material and methods: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that included patients diagnosed with glaucoma by sampling by convenience. Results: 140 patients between 29 and 90 years old were included, 52.9% female, 43.6% incomplete primary education, 32.1% unemployed. Medical treatment was performed in 81%, laser in 42% and surgical procedure in 32%. An average annual expense of 3,639,800gs ($503.93) per patient was reported. Emotional affectation was reported in 35.7% of the patients, and 43.5% deteriorated quality of life; 55% of the patients has dependency on personal care. Conclusion: Glaucoma involves large direct costs, due to treatment, in addition patients have deterioration in the quality of life.


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Salario Mínimo en Paraguay, Wikipedia enciclopedia libre, 6 de marzo 2023.



How to Cite

Torres Rivas SP, Guerrero A, Samudio M, Díaz GN, Scalamogna M, Pereira L, Fleitas ME, Bolaños A. Direct costs and quality of life of patients with glaucoma in Paraguay. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];5:01-9. Available from: