Estrategia educativa de Prevención de Enfermedades Bucales en colaboradores de una Universidad Privada dentro del marco del Proyecto de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria

Educational strategy for the Prevention of Oral Diseases in collaborators of a Private University within the framework of the University Social Responsibility Project




oral hygiene index, DMF index, oral hygiene, dental plaque, dental caries


Introduction. Dental caries and periodontal disease are the most common oral pathologies affecting the global population and it is proven that a good oral hygiene practices can control and prevent them. Objective. to design an educative strategy to prevent oral diseases and experimentally implement it with the cleaning workers of the Universidad del Pacífico in Paraguay. Methodology. Interventional quasi-experimental study with the cleaning workers at Universidad del Pacífico in 2021. DMF and O´Leary Indexes were measured to stablish diagnosis. Each patient received oral hygiene supplies in every control meeting. They also received weekly messages, photos, videos via WhatsApp. Results. 13 people between 21 to 48 years old participated in this study. 69% of them were female. 6 workshops were conducted where each individual received hygiene supplies. 49% of the participants achieved the goal of reducing to 20% or less in the O´Leary Index and 40% reduced their Decay Index to 50% and all the individuals who suffered initially from gingivitis were no longer affected by it at the end of the study. Out of 6 workshops, only 3 people participated in all of them. Conclusion. Supervised tooth brushing can help diminishing O´Leary index and controls gingivitis. It was proven that the use of cell phones to communicate with the participants with texting, photos or videos to promote the strategy and to rise the spirit was very helpful, nonetheless there were no impact over the amount of tooth decays.


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How to Cite

Oviedo E, Costa P. Estrategia educativa de Prevención de Enfermedades Bucales en colaboradores de una Universidad Privada dentro del marco del Proyecto de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria: Educational strategy for the Prevention of Oral Diseases in collaborators of a Private University within the framework of the University Social Responsibility Project. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2022 May 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];4(1):114-2. Available from: