Teaching role and innovative teaching strategies with an emphasis on research


  • Chap Kau Kwan Chung Universidad del Pacífico, Dirección de Investigación. Asunción, Paraguay


teacher, strategies, research


This study describes the importance of the teaching role and innovative teaching strategies with an emphasis on research, based especially on reasoning, creativity or self-esteem, can be equally applicable to the world of research accompanied by a good management of ICT. Therefore, the role of the teacher is not limited to the implementation of traditional learning strategies, but must also be creative, make the classroom interesting and enjoyable, thus promoting critical thinking in students. It is concluded that almost all the universities in the country offer degree and postgraduate programs under the distance modality. However, carrying out scientific research work with the students of this modality is still in its initial stage, in addition, the teaching role consists of using creativity so that the classes are fun and pleasant, promoting the student's critical thinking.


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How to Cite

Kwan Chung, C. K. (2023). Teaching role and innovative teaching strategies with an emphasis on research. Revista Multidisciplinar UP, 3(2), 78–81. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.upacifico.edu.py/index.php/Rev_MUP/article/view/319



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